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Daily Bulletin


Tuesday, March 30, 2021


Happy Birthday today:  Nat Nosler, Emily Anderlik, Mary Irwin


Today’s Events:


Activity Period:


Seniors: the Parkland Pathway Application is available March 5th through April 15th.  If you are interested in this program and have any questions, please see your school counselor.


Student Council is partnering with Sadorus All Star 4-H to collect items for the Crisis Nursery.  There are boxes by the entrances and at the library doors for you to donate items such as disinfectant sprays and wipes, hand soap and sanitizer, individually wrapped snacks, and diapers and pull ups.  We will be collecting items through tomorrow, March 31st.


In addition to celebrating a future homecoming victory, next week, we will be raising as much money as we can to give to St. Jude Children’s Hospital.  Student Council will be selling Pura Vida bracelets to support this cause, so look for a Student Council member to be selling these bracelets before and after school.  They are $6 and all proceeds will be donated!


Attention Seniors:  Senior pictures are due Friday, April 9th.  Please check your email to see if Mrs. Graves still needs you to submit yours.


Attention Students:  If you haven't purchased a yearbook yet, please do so before Friday, April 9th.  Please see the Media Center Website for the link to order.


Any senior interested in helping to decorate the trophy case hallway, please see Mrs. Warner or Mrs. Bonnell. We will be working after school on Wednesday.


Next week we will be celebrating Homecoming, and we want everyone to join in!  Dress up for Pajama Day Tuesday, Student Council Week Shirt Wednesday, High School Stereotypes Thursday, and Formalwear Friday.  Each day you dress up, you will be entered into a drawing to win a gift card!!


 This week, Student Council will be taking pre-orders for pork chop sandwiches.  You can pre-pay $5 for a sandwich or $7 for a meal.  If you’d like to make sure to get a yummy lunch on April 7, please pay at the table by the library doors before or after school.  If they go as fast as they did last time, you might be left out, so better order ahead!


Would you like to dance from class to class?  Do you have a friend that loves a particular song?  Or does your math teacher hate a certain song? This week, you can bid on playing any school appropriate song of your choice to be played between passing periods during homecoming/student council week!  Look for a student council member by the library to place your bid!!


Congratulations to the 2020-2021 Unity High School Homecoming Court:

Freshmen: Shelby Hoel and Henry Thomas

Sophomore: Maddi McConaha and Cale Rawdin

Junior: Annabelle Jokisch and Carson Willard

Seniors:  Summer Day as alternate, 

Queen Candidates:  

Caroline Bachert

Marissa Charleston

Chloee Reed

Lilly Styan

Kyleigh Weller

Abel Juerissen as alternate, 

King Candidates: 

Kyle Burgoni

Nate Drennan

Lane Innes

Logan Jones

Hudson Ritchie

Candidates, please check your email later today for information from Mrs. Meyer