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Daily Bulletin

Thursday, September 2, 2021


Happy Birthday today:  Lily Steffens


Today’s Events: Varsity Soccer vs Meridian HS, UHS field 5:30 pm

                              Volleyball @ Tuscola HS, 6 pm

                              Freshmen Football @ St. Joseph-Ogden HS, 6 pm


Activity Period: Tuesday-FCCLA

Attention freshmen interested in joining Student Council- you can pick up a petition outside of room 7.  Petitions must be turned in to the room 7 or the office by September 7th at 3:05 pm.   If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Meyer or Mrs. Sharp.


Pep Club will be handing out remaining UCrew shirts in the Canteen in the morning and during lunch hours.  Please bring your pass or blue slip of paper to show that you bought a shirt.  There are a few extras to be purchased.


The student section theme for Friday’s Football game is Country.  Show up to support the boys against St. Joseph-Ogden.  We had a great turnout last week -let’s see it again this week, UCrew! 


If you’re planning on attending the big football game this weekend, be sure to bring some extra money to help out the Eastern Illinois Foodbank!  We’ll be competing with St. Joe both on and off the field!  Let’s see which school raises the most money to help out with a great cause!


Auditions for the fall play will be next Thursday (9/9) and Friday (9/10) 3:10- 5 pm. We will be performing The Wizard of Oz in November. Please see Ms. Marcel in room 69 to sign up to audition and receive your script.  Anyone is welcome to audition even if you're not in drama club!