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Daily Bulletin


Tuesday, February 1, 2022 


Happy Birthday today: Kourtney Russell                         


Today’s Events:  Boys’ Basketball @ Pontiac HS

                             JV 4:30 pm, Varsity 6 pm, bus 2:15, dismiss after 6th hour 


Activity Period: Wednesday- Pep Club; Thursday- Student Council



Parkland College will be visiting Unity on Tuesday, February 8th. Juniors and Seniors interested in meeting with this representative should sign up in the Guidance Office. Seniors planning to attend Parkland in the fall of 2022 should definitely sign up. 


The Music Boosters are hosting their annual fundraiser here at the High School. "All Out A Cappella" will feature several collegiate a cappella groups as well as our very own Surreal Sound. There will be two shows on Saturday, February 26tth at 4pm and 7pm. Sign up to volunteer in Mr. Krafcisiin's room and be sure to come to the show and tell your family.


Congratulations to Cody Broadfoot, Marshall Church, and Roger Holben on their performance in the All-State Honors Chorus. These students had an opportunity to perform a number of choral works among the top choral students of the state. This is the first time in recorded history that 3 students from Unity have made the Honors Chorus. Congratulations on a job well done!


Students: are you interested in reporting news to the rest of the school or simply editing or taking photos for a newspaper?  Then the Rockets News Club is for you!  Sign up in the office today.


The high school track season will kick off on Friday with our first meet at the University of Illinois Armory at 7PM.  Any spectator attending the meet will be required to show proof of vaccination or a negative test within the last 48 hours. This is University of Illinois policy and will be enforced at all meets this season.  Masks are also required for attendance.